This week in review:
Tuesday was a special reading night at Chase's preschool. We arrived just in time to be at the front of the gym for the perfect spot. Both kiddos were in their pajamas, they had their "Happy Nappers" (Chase has the dragon, Emma the Ladybug) under their arms and practically dragging their blankets behind them. They looked absolutely adorable. I loved that they were already for bed once the event was over and we headed for home!!! As the kids settled down for "Brown Bear" to arrive and read Brown Bear, Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carl I realized that I forgot my camera. I mourned the loss of the cute pictures I would miss out of this activity. The memories treasured in my mind will just have to do. Brown Bear came out and read to the kids. I loved how the bear would ask "Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?" She (since the teacher under the costume was a she) would turn the page and the kids would answer "I see a red bird looking at me." Chase sat through the entire thing repeating each question. I loved it! Emma lay curled up on the floor folded up in her blanket entranced in the story. Afterwards the kids got to choose a book to take home. Chase chose Five Little Monkey's Reading in Bed by Eileen Christelow. I don't remember how many times I read that to him before the event ended. I chose The Silly Snowy Day by Michael Coleman for Emma. She slept with it under her pillow!

One of my favorite car games growing up was "I spy with my little eye . . . . " We had several different versions. It always made the rides in the car a bit more bearable - especially the ones where we were going cross country! Yesterday on our way home from dropping Chase off at school Emma says "Kite". A few minutes later she goes, "Octagon". The car drives forward and from the backseat I hear "Octagon" once more. It took a few more "Kites", "Octagon", "Square", and "Circle"before I figured out what she was doing. She was seeing the road signs and calling out the shapes. I tried to teach her diamond, but kites it was, and kites it still is!!!!
I love the little learning moments with my kids. It makes life so much worthwhile!
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