I received the current IEP goals for Chase. It is nice to see where he started from two years ago, and see where his is now! It is amazing how much he has grown - physically, emotionally, and educationally! Summer begins in the middle of May this year and I am already working on my curriculum for all three kids. It is nice to have his new goals, which are geared toward preparing him for Kindergarten. I know that I can use his previous goals and new goals to also prepare a curriculum for Honey-bear as well. Good stuff!!
July 2010 Before starting Pre-school |
Saturday March 3, 2012 |
New Goals
- Hold his pencil correctly
- hold scissors correctly and cut a 3 inch sized object with less than 1/2" deviation
- be able to perform a variety of manipulatives (Stringing, lacing, fasteners)
- Count by rote to 20 and be able to count 15 objects.
- improve appropriate classroom behavior (wait his turn, stay in his own space, share toys)
- point to pictures/objects when presented a descriptive/concept word (Hard/soft, same/different, long/short, empty/full)
- sequence 3-4 picture cards
- Identify groups of items that belong together (clothes, food, animals, etc.)
- He will verbalize social acceptable behaviors (wait my turn, don't interrupt verbally, don't touch game or person).
- He will sequence 3-4 picture cards using a simple sentence in imitation and then with prompts.
- Label nouns, verbs, and adjectives in picture cards
- Work on throwing to a target, underhanded, and overhanded.
- Hop on one foot, in linear fashion. Walk on a line or balance beam
for 8 ft (he hates the balance beam, he is afraid he will fall off. We
are working on that one at little gym).
Great overview of prepping for kindergarten. And I love the pictures! Thanks for sharing with NOBH. Smiles -
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures too. It is amazing how he went from being a baby to a little boy so quickly!